If you are planning to go hiking for the first time, we recommend our guide for beginners, which includes all the information you need to know about it. Learn to choose the right route, the right clothes and the best way to prepare yourself.
No matter how long you have prepared for this excursion, an unforeseen event can always happen, whether your equipment is damaged or you fall and get hurt. Our guide prepares you for the worst case scenario.
Estrategia de futuro...formarse como apiterapeuta es un nicho laboral desde donde ayudar a los deemas....donde otros no llegan.
Apitherapy is responding to many chronic diseases considered: arthritis, migraines, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, herniated discs, plantar fasciitis, lumbago ...
Apiterapiamadrid.es has responded to HPV, candidiasis, chicken pox, snot, cough, sinusitis ...
The PNI the axis of our intervention, helps us to awaken mechanisms of action of our organism in phase of illness